Young Leaders for Human Security Sprockler Training

This year, Human Security Collective has set up the Young Leaders for Human Security Programme. During this programme, HSC works with Dutch and Tunisian youth on issues concerning local security, social cohesion and resilience. The work is carried out in close cooperation with local civil society organisations and aims at building youth resilience in the Netherlands (Delft) and in Tunisia (Tunis, Ben Arous, Kef, Siliana, Medenine, Kasserine).

Human Security Collective uses Sprockler to monitor this long-term project: starting with a baseline and repeating the inquiry during the length of the programme to see what emerges over time.

At the beginning of March 2016, Sprockler’s Anne went to Tunis to train youth from the six regions in Tunisia in Sprockler and its approach to monitoring and evaluation. In April 2016 a similar training will take place in Delft. In this way, the youth themselves will be able to evaluate the progress of their programme, monitor their own learning process and, through an interactive platform, be able to see what is happening in both countries.

Interested in learning more about this project, a Sprockler training or the possibility of long-term repetitive monitoring through Sprockler, don’t hesitate to contact us at

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